Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sunset Milonga

A Tango Display from Argentina

A Stroll Down the Malecon on a Saturday Night
Putting the Boats Away for the Evening
Nothing Out of the Ordinary...

Time for Dessert

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Senior Chapala police officer gunned down on main drag

Gollaz lies dead at the side of the road just two blocks from Chapala City Hall

Jose Guadalupe Gollaz Mejia, second officer in command of the Chapala police department, was assassinated in broad daylight Wednesday, May 5, on Avenida Francisco Madero, the city’s main thoroughfare.

The official was gunned down at around 1:30 p.m., just two blocks north of the City Hall building. According to several bystanders at the crime scene, Gollaz was approaching the spot where he had parked his silver Toyota Tacoma pickup for a lunch break at a nearby restaurant when he was intercepted by three unidentified assailants who opened fire.

The 42-year-old police official was downed by various bullets fired at close range, including apparently fatal hits to the neck and chest. He collapsed next to the median strip in the south bound lane of traffic and was pronounced dead on the scene a short time later. - Guadalajara Reporter

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Lake Chapala Green Group Meeting

As a co-founder of the Lake Chapala Green Group our last meeting was a deviation from our typical "green" topic, but no less interesting. The speaker was Kevin Knox, a true expert on coffee. Kevin spent 25 years working in the coffee industry for Starbucks and Whole Foods. What he doesn't know about coffee isn't worth knowing. The presentation was an education on "good" coffee versus black water. He wrote the book on coffee.